“It’s indeed a rather small factory now but I believe that it would grow much bigger in a fast way” said when Dennis,sales manager of Beyoung Outdoors,decided to join the Beyoung team in early 2020.
A big leap!!
From a 3,000 square meters old workshop at YuYao to current 13,000 square meters medium-size surfboard&kayak factory at CiXi, it takes Beyoung 7 almost 10 years to build up the strength.And the moving took nearly 1 month!
Funding isn’t what offers us the confident and determination. To some point, you are.
Each client who had trusted Beyoung with the made-to-order products in the past decade,helped Beyoung move to a new phase of a bigger office, more machines, more professional team,and of course more grateful smiles.
Everyone here stand behind what they make everyday.No matter it is a beginner surfboard which luckily guided a rookie somewhere to a new exciting path, or a 12ft kayak which brings a wonderful paddling weekend to a family.
No one knows what would happens in the future,but the goal here is to become your trusted water sports products manufacturer! Time shall witness:)